Movie adaptation of Tsurune: Kazemai Koukou Kyuudou-bu.
Minato Narumiya reignites his passion for kyudo, the Japanese martial art of archery.
(Source: HIDIVE)
Minato Narumiya reignites his passion for kyudo, the Japanese martial art of archery.
(Source: HIDIVE)
English: Tsurune The Movie - The First Shot -
Synonyms: 劇場版ツルネ -はじまりの一射-; Tsurune: The First Shot
Type: Movie
Status: Finished Airing
Aired: Aug 19, 2022
External Links: tsurune the movie - the first shot - animepahe watch tsurune the movie - the first shot -
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Tsurune The Movie - The First Shot - Movie